The Des Moines County Humane Society is dedicated to the welfare of all animals in Des Moines County, Iowa. With the financial and volunteer support of community members, DMCHS operates an adoption program within the city-owned Burlington Animal Shelter at 2000 N. Roosevelt Avenue.
Thousands of homeless companion animals have been saved from being euthanized and found new families thanks to the support of community members like you. DMCHS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It receives no tax dollars to support activities. The shelter depends entirely on donations, contributions, gifts and memorials.
Kari McCoy, Interim President
Phil Boyle, Vice President
Amy Martin, Secretary
Karanel Larson, Treasurer
Lori Brockett
Sue Vanmeter
Nikki Hernandez
Mac Holford
Tim Larson
Tiffanie Rourke, Shelter Manager
KC Shoemaker, Kennel Manager
Karri Swartzlander, Adoption Coordinator
Angie Beard, Kennel Attendant
Brenda Mutchler, Kennel Attendant
Steve Shoemaker, Kennel Attendant
Free McDowell, Dog Specialist
Antjuan Gonzalez, Kennel Attendant
Mandi VanSant, Kennel Attendant